Sanctions are restrictions on editing Wikipedia that are applied to users or topic areas by the Wikipedia community and the Arbitration Committee in order to resolve disputes and curtail disruptive behaviour.
- For information on sanctions applied to individual editors by either the Arbitration Committee or the community, see Wikipedia:Editing restrictions
- For a log of all active editing restrictions, see here.
- For information on sanctions applied to specific articles or topic areas by either the Arbitration Committee or the community, see Wikipedia:General sanctions
- For a log of all active general sanctions, see here.
- For information on the special sanctions the Arbitration Committee may authorize on a topical basis, see Wikipedia:Contentious topics
- For a log of all topics subject to the contentious topics procedure, see Template:Contentious topics/table
- For a log of all arbitration enforcement actions taken, including under the contentious topics procedure, see Wikipedia:Arbitration enforcement log